United States

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Grassroots International (Boston)

While Grassroots International states that it “stands with the nonviolent Palestinian struggle for self-determination and human rights, particularly the human rights to land, water and food sovereignty,” it provides funding to a number of NGOs active in the Arab-Israeli conflict with ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).


Tree of Life

Since 2003, Tree of Life has organized trips to Israel and the West Bank. Participants of the tours meet with members of highly politicized NGOs. Upon completion of the program, the participants return to their home countries where many engage in anti-Israel advocacy, including advocating for BDS campaigns and asking to “stop sending billions of dollars worth of weapons to Israel.”


OneVoice International

One Voice is the “legal-organizational channel” for Victory 2015 (V15), a campaign seeking to defeat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the 2015 March elections. OneVoice Israel’s Executive Director Polly Bronstein said: “We believe that it’s critical that the majority of Israelis who are concerned about the numerous security and socio-economic challenges we face have their voices heard in the next election. We need a prime minister and a government who will be responsive to the people.”


Interfaith Peace-Builders (IFPB)

IFPB sends “3 – 4 delegations to Israel/Palestine every year,” claiming to expose the “everyday violence of war and occupation” and promotes BDS including calling to “End US Military Aid to Israel.”


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